Phone: (095) 1355457, 1354322 office Phone (095) 2876717 home
Fax (095) 938-2209 E-mail: iakim@isa.ru


Moscow Institute of Transport Engineering (1963-1968) Diploma in Automation and Computer Engineering with Distinction
Research Institute for Management Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences Post Graduate Studies
Research Institute for Systems Analysis of Russian Academy of Sciences Ph.D. in theory of automated control and systems analysis
PVO/NIS Project and Management Systems International (USA) Certificate in NGO Project Evaluation
Saint-Petersburg State University Ph.D. in Sociology


1963-68 Student of Moscow Transport University, student research society, 1968-76 Engineer, Senior and later Leading Engineer at the Research Institute for Management Problems, Moscow
1976-83 Senior Researcher at the Research Institute for Systems Studies, USSR Academy of sciences, Moscow
1983-88 Senior Researcher at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria
1988-now Chief Researcher at the Research Institute for Systems Analysis, Russian academy of sciences, Moscow
1998 - 1999 Director of the Analytical Department for the Center "Social Partnership", supported by Moscow Government and the UNDP(part-time)
2001 – now Deputy Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair at the State University 0f Management in Moscow (part-time)


    Multi objective optimization, Decision making, Conflict Resolution, Expert Assessment, Computer models of ecological systems
    NGO Management, Program and Project Evaluation, Fundraising, Institutional development of NGO, intersectoral social partnership, development of human resources, project management, social marketing, needs evaluation and monitoring.


1963 Diploma in Automation and Computer Engineering with Distinction
1978 Winner of the Lenkom Award in the Field of Science for developing methods for multiobjective optimization and their successful application
1985 Diploma of Senior Researcher of the Academy of Sciences
1993 Active Member of the New York Academy of Sciences
1994 (Twice) Winner of the Competition for the President Yeltsin' Research and Stipend for the 5 000 Russian distinguished scientists for period of 3 1997 years
2000 Winner of the Competition for the President Putin' Research Stipend for the 5 000 Russian distinguished scientists for period of 3 years
2001 Kazakhstan Order of Friendship


  1. Co-founder and the Board member of the Russia's Center for Environmental Policy
  2. President of the Laboratory for Investigation of the Non-commercial Sector (LINCS) Research Board
  3. Co-founder of the Center for NGOs Support established in Moscow in 1997
  4. Deputy Chairperson of the Advisory Board for the Alumni Association of the Kennan Institute
  5. Member of the Trustee Board for CAF (Moscow)
  6. Co-founder of the “NGO School” Foundation (Moscow)
  7. Board Member of the Association “Professionals for Cooperation”.

EXPERIENCE in NGO Training and Project Evaluation

    Trainer for more than 1300 Russian and foreign NGOs and business firms.
    About 300 trainings in 52 regions of Russia for 900 NGOs and several seminars in Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, based on developed methods, including:

    For Period 1997-2003 I was invited by foreign Foundations and Local Governments to implement Project Evaluation in 24 Russian cities (about 400 project proposals, 40 mid-term evaluations and 10 post-evaluations).
    In 2001 I was a member of the international team to implement of mid-term evaluation of the USAID-funded Program on Assistance for Russian Orphans. In September 2001 I was selected as a member of the team to implement the Final evaluation for this Program too.
    In 2000-2002 I am senior lecturer at the Moscow State University and at the State University of Management (Moscow).
    In 2003 I collaborate as the short-term expert for the Tacis Project “Promoting Democracy through Social NGOs”.
    Author of the very first book on NGO fundraising activity published in Russia in 1992.
    Co-author of the book "Social reform as a path to the civic society" (1997), Handbook on Intersectoral Partnerships (2000), the book “Civil Society in Reforming Russia” (2002), the book “Managing the Corporate Social Programs” (2003).
    Author of the book “Multisectoral Social Partnership” (2001).
    While working as the Director of Analytical Department for the Center "Social Partnership” about 30 seminars for Moscow local Administration and NGO leaders were conducted as well as 2 weekly sessions for them were organised on premises of the Russian Academy for Public Service under the RF President.
    In 2002 I published two text-books related to issues of NGO Management, as well as the third text-book was co-authored by me and my colleague.


    More than 400 research publications, including 12 monographs, 42 contributed papers to books, 6 patents, 4 text-books. About 200 articles in newspapers and journals.
    About 100 research papers cover topics related to NGOs and the Russian Third Sector, as well as about 60 papers are devoted to the problems of intersectoral social partnership.


Mother Tongue: Russian
English: speaks, read, understand and writes fluent
German: read and understand good, speaks and writes quite good.


Born: September 23, 1945, Omsk, Russia
Married Mrs.Anna Bakhmetkova; Children: Maria (born 1970), Victor (born 1976)