International Conference "Effective University Management:Best Practices, New Trends and Strategies"

October 1-2, 2004
Irtysh Hotel, Omsk, Russia

Dear USG sponsored exchange programs Alumni, Russian and foreign scholars, specialists in the field of University Management, representatives of Diplomatic Missions, Coordinators of International Academic Exchange Programs!

Omsk Regional Branch of the USG-sponsored programs Alumni Association "Professionals for Cooperation" in cooperation with Omsk State Pedagogical University and Inter-Universities Center for International Cooperation and Academic Mobility have the honor to invite you for participation in the Fourth International USG sponsored programs Alumni Conference Effective University Management: Best Practices, New Trends and Strategies to be held in Omsk on October 1-2, 2004 in the frames of the International Education Days in Omsk.

Main objectives of the conference:

- strengthening and developing the cooperation between Russian and foreign specialists in the field of effective University management;
- joint analysis of the problems and working out the ways of their solution;
- exchange of International experience in the field of developing Higher Education in Russia and abroad;
- developing the suggestions and recommendations for solving the discussed problems.

The following issues will be discussed during the conference:

  1. Effective University Management in conditions of Democratization and Modernization of Russian Higher Education.
  2. Sustainable social and economic development in Russia: opportunities for effective University management.
  3. Strategic planning and University management.
  4. Role of international experience in the development of Higher Education.
  5. Leadership skills development: Individualizing leadership training.
  6. Assessment of student learning outcomes.
  7. Faculty development.
  8. Internationalization of Higher Education institutions and perspectives on effective management of international education.
  9. Optimization of University administrative structure.

For participation in the Conference "Effective University Management: Best Practices, New Trends and Strategies" please submit the filled registration form and abstract of the presentation (maximum 3 typewritten pages A4, Microsoft Word 97-2000 processed). Requirements for the text dressing: title of the report should be in block bold letters in the center of the page without hyphens; in the center of the next line, - names of the authors; on the next line in italics - name of the Institution/organization and the city. Below comes the text of the report.

The registration forms for the Conference are available here or at the Inter-Universities Center for International Cooperation and Academic Mobility, OSPU:

14, Naberezhnaya Tukhachevskogo, office 337
Omsk 644099, Russia
Tel./fax: 7 3812 24 37 95

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