Information Letter #1
Ekaterinburg department of the Association " Professionals for Cooperation" is announcing the conference of USIS Educational Programs Alumni which will be held in Ekaterinburg on October 19-21, 2000 in the House of Actor.
At the end of the XX century and on the eve of the III millennium Russia found itself at the crossroads: good intentions of building a democratic state with civic liberties and market economy turned out to be largely unsuccessful and unrealistic. The change of power and its first steps raise serious concerns for the freedom of press social and economic rights of the majority of the population. Our uncertainties and instabilities are especially vividly contrasted by steady and prosperous development in the USA.
The reforms of Russian educational system are heavily influenced by the American model as a result of USIS educational exchanges alumni trying to implement the experience they have gained in their host schools. At the same time most of the former participants have identified certain issues and peculiarities of our educational systems as well as the ways of their elimination which might open up the doors of collaboration and mutual enrichment.
All of these issues require a constructive and open-minded discussion of the of professionals of different fields willing to contribute to the major task of any society: providing any individual with conditions for well-rounded personal development.
We invite you to participate in the discussions of the following issues:
Organization and Financial Policy of the Conference:
The conference is organized by the Ekaterinburg department of the Association "Professionals for Cooperation" and the Ural department of American Councils for International Education/ ACTR
with financial support of the Department of educational and cultural programs of the US State Department and Edmund Muskie Fund. We are expecting about 60 participants including 25 people from outside the Urals. The selected participants will be reimbursed for all of their travel expense including hotel accomodations, meals and cultural program.
Program Committee:
Conference Board:
Requirements for participation:
To participate in the Conference send your application form and thesis of the paper (not exceeding 3 pages) via e-mail in Word format before August 15, 2000:
Your applications and thesis will be selected on the merit based competition. The selection process will be over by September 10, 2000.
For more information, please contact Alikperov Igor: tel.: 3432- 29-55-66; e-mail: <> or Ural department of ACTR: tel.: 3432-61-60-34; e-mail:
Conference Application Form