Galina K.
Vasilyeva, PhD, senior researcher at the Institute of Physical Chemical and
Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Academy of Sciences (IPBPSS RAS), head of
group of soil bioremediation. Tel. (of.): (096) 773-3830. E-mail: Participant of
Russian-American exchange programs: 1. Fulbright (research in ecology) at the lab. of J-M.
Bollag at the Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania, USA, 1995-1996.
Subject: "Microbial detoxification of chloroanilines bound to soil". 2. Grant of
the US National Science Foundation (NSF) at the lab. of Prof. P. Shea at the Nebraska
State University in Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebracka, USA. 1996-1998.
My impressions about America.
Nadezhda D. Anan'eva,
PhD, Chief of the Laboratory of soil microbiology at the Institute of Physical
Chemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Academy of Sciences (IPBPSS
RAS). Tel. (of.): (096) 773-2915. E-mail:
Participant of Russian-American exchange programs: 1. Fulbright (research in ecology) at
the lab. of Prof. R. Hotson at the Georgia State University in Athens, Georgia, 1994-1995;
2. NRC (Cooperation in Applied Sciences and Technology) at the lab. of Dr. W. Steen at the
US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) Athens, Georgia, USA. 1996-1997; 3. ISF
(International Science Foundation), same, 1997-1998. Subject: "Self-purification of
soil contaminated with pesticides" .
Anatolii A. Kosobjukhov, PhD, senior researcher, temp. chief of the lab. of Photosynthetic
Ecology at the Institute of Basic Biological Problems, Russia Academy of Sciences. Tel.
(of.): (096)773-2988. E-mail: Participant of
Russian-American exchange program Fulbright (research in ecology) at the lab. of Prof. J.
Nishino at the University in Laramie, Wyoming, USA, 1997-1998. Subject: "Joint effect
of folio sprays and drought stress on plants: regulatory effect of light and ян2."
R. Fomina, PhD, senior researcher at the Institute of Basic
Biological Problems, Russia Academy of Sciences. Tel. (of.).: (096)773-2988, E-mail:
Participant of Russian-American exchange program Fulbright (research in ecology) at the
lab. of Prof. J. Nishino at the University in Laramie, Wyoming, USA, 1998-1999. Subject:
Mechanism of the influence of folio sprays increasing plant productivity and water use
efficiency: activities of photosynthetic enzymes".
Natalia Ju. Markelova, PhD, senior researcher at the Institute of Basic Biological Problems, Russia Academy of Sciences (IBBP RAS). Tel. (of.).: (096) 773-2179. E-mail: Participant of Russian-American exchange program Fulbright (research in ecology) at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 1996-1997.
Galina N. Nazarova,
PhD, senior researcher at the Institute of Basic Biological Problems
Russia Academy of Sciences (IBBP RAS). Tel. (of.): (096)773-1837. E-mail:
Participant of Russian-American exchange program Fulbright (research in ecology) at the
lab. of Prof. J. Nishino at the University in Laramie, Wyoming, USA, 1999-2000. Subject:
"Mechanism of the influence of folio sprays increasing plant productivity and water
use efficiency: activity of photosynthetic apparatus".
Valentina E. Prikhodko, PhD, senior researcher
at the Institute of Physical Chemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian
Academy of Sciences (IPBPSS RAS). Tel. (of.): (096)773-1696. E-mail:
Participant of Russian-American exchange program Fulbright (research in ecology) at the
laboratory of V.J. Singer at the California State University, Davis, CA, USA, 1999-2000.
Subject: "Degradation and Bioremediation of sol contaminated with pesticides".
David L. Pinsky, PhD (Doctor of Science), Vice Director of Physical Chemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Academy of Sciences (IPBPSS RAS). Tel. (of.): (096) 773-0460, E-mail: Participant of Russian-American exchange program. Irina V. Priputina, PhD, senior researcher, Institute of Physical Chemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science Russian Academy of Sciences (IPBPSS RAS). Tel.: (of.): (096) 773-1705. E-mail: Participant of Russian-American exchange program. Dmitri G. Orlinski, senior researcher, Institute of Physical Chemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Academy of Sciences (IPBPSS RAS). Tel.: (of.): (096) 773-1705. E-mail: Participant of Russian-American exchange program. Friends of the Department
Vladimir D. Kreslavski, PhD, senior
researcher at The Institute of Basic Biological Problems, Russia Academy of Sciences (IBBP
RAS). Tel. (of.).: (096) 773-1837, E-mail: